Escape down under Read online

Page 5

  I don't know how long I have been sat here drawing and planning but I notice it's starting to get dark outside. My computer says five-twenty. Shit, I haven't even realised how long I have been planning for. I'm usually out of the office at 4pm on a Monday. Cushy I know, but the work doesn't stop when I get home. A knock sounds on my door and I look to see Mal standing there, presumably to see why I'm still here.

  "I know, I know." I say on a laugh, "I got carried away with my designs." It happens. Once I get started I don't like to finish until I am happy with what I have created, even if it is a rough copy.

  "Don't overdo yourself flower. I don't want you getting ill before we travel. Oh, before I forget, I think you left this in my office before." He pulls his hands out of his trouser pocket and hands me my phone. My head has been that far up my arse that I hadn't even noticed that I had left it behind.

  "Thanks Mal." I say, entirely grateful, one day I really am going to lose it and then I'll be completely buggered. "I didn't realise it was there. I hope it hasn't been going off every five minutes and annoying the hell out of you." I think back to the constant calls and texts from Josh and pray that Mal hasn't noticed them if he has gone to silence my phone. He's been pretty supportive during the break-up but he can be quite protective when it comes to his staff.

  "It hasn't gone off once flower, not that I have heard anyway. I noticed it on the cabinet as I left."

  What the hell was it doing on the cabinet? I was sat at the opposite side of the office. I press down on the home button and it stays blank. I'm positive it was fully charged when I left for the meeting this morning. I actually remember disconnecting it from my computer before I left.

  "Thanks Mal, go home and take care of that lovely woman of yours." I smile fondly at my boss; he really is a good man. One in a million I'd say.

  "She should be taking care of me; I keep her in a constant supply of bags and shoes. Anyway, I'll see you in the morning flower." He says goodbye and gives me a quick squeeze of the shoulder. "Don't forget to lock up."

  "Get you're backside out of that chair!" Jen yells across my desk at me. Granted it's gone 7pm and she has been sat here for the past hour. "Can't you do all this drawing shit at home?"

  "I stayed here to get some peace and bloody quiet. I didn't expect you to come waltzing in and start messing up my concentration." I throw some paper at her to express my annoyance. "I'll be here all night if you keep harping on, so the sooner you shut that trap of yours, the sooner we can get out of here."

  "Hey, I ditched a hot date for you tonight lady. Don't be so pissing ungrateful, and I fed you too. What more do you want from me?"

  I let out a frustrated moan. I'm not going to get much else done here tonight. Jen is doing a pretty good job of that, so I start to pack up and shut down the computer. I realise my phone is still switched off so I turn it back on again. As soon as I do it starts beeping away.

  "Oh someone's popular." Jen taunts.

  "Nothing of interest, I can assure you, just Josh and his constant 'sorry's and I miss you's." I realise as soon as the words leave my mouth that she's going to freak.

  "What do you mean his constant messages? Why haven't you told me?" Oh she looks really angry. Balls, I can't stand angry Jen. No matter what you try to say, she just doesn't listen.

  "Jen..." I start, even though I know it's no use.

  "Don't Jen me. Why the fuck have you not told me? He treated you like shit Jess, real shit. Obviously I'm going to be pissed at you for keeping that from me. For fuck sake and you were doing so fucking well."

  "I can't stop him messaging me Jen."

  "Change your pissing number then and he won't be able to contact you will he?" She shouts. "Listen. The way I see it, you're heading off to the other side of the world in a matter of days. Use this time to clear your head, he won't be able to contact you then will he? Use it as an escape to find the real you. Figure out what you want. Just as long as it's not him."

  I look at my best friend and I know she only has my best interests at heart, but at times I really want to slap her. What does she take me for? Everyone must think that I would drop everything and go running back to Josh in an heart beat. Not bloody likely. Yes. I still care about him, deep down somewhere; but it was me that ended it. Me that decided enough was enough. I decide arguing against her is pointless, so instead I grab my stuff and say "c'mon bitch, let's go."

  No sooner have I walked through the door and sat down, my phones starts ringing. All I want is a shower and my bed. It's not much to ask is it? I pull out the contents of my bag, lip gloss and other odd bits start rolling along the floor as I pull out my phone. I look at the screen but I don't recognise the number so I allow it to ring off. It's a number I'm not familiar with so I don't bother returning the call. If it's important the voicemail can pick it up and I'll call them back. A few seconds later a message appears from the same number.

  Lunch tomorrow. It's not a request. I'll pick you up at 1pm. M x

  I stare at my phone, willing the message to be a figment if my imagination. M? Surely it can't be Max, can it? How does he even have my number? My mind snaps back to earlier when Mal told me he found my phone on the cabinet in his office. I obviously left it on the table when I fled from the man who makes my insides melt and turns me into a baffling mess whenever he talks to me. I'd be lying if I said the butterflies hadn't returned, if not more. Holy shit, he's fucking perfect. Way, way out of my league and he screams nothing but bad news. It's best that I stay away if I don't want to get hurt. I decide to ignore his message. Nothing good can come of this. That I am sure of. My mind betrays me and wanders off; imaging what life would be like with Max.

  Stop. What the hell am I doing?

  I don't even know the guy. He probably has a girlfriend back home anyway. He's far too hot to be single. Maybe he's gay. I'll have to get George to check him out.

  I get in bed in the hope that sleep will take me. No matter what I try to do, I just can't switch off. All I can see when I close my eyes are his deep blue eyes. He looks at me like he can see into the depths of my soul. His look alone just from memory unravels me; makes me feel a want I have never experienced in my life. Mine and Josh's sex life wasn't rocking, but it was fulfilling enough, or at least that's what I thought when we were together. The question that keeps playing on my mind is, why has he come crashing into my life now? I can't succumb to him, if I thought my heart was broken over Josh; then there is definitely no doubt in my mind that Max will utterly destroy me.


  I get up really early, much earlier than I normally would get up on a weekday. The first thing on my agenda is coffee. Strong, strong beautiful coffee to set me up for the day. The majority of last night was spent tossing and turning, with a certain dirty blonde haired god running through my mind. This obsession is starting to become a little unhealthy and that's exactly what it is.

  A really bad unhealthy, crazy obsession.

  Fucking hell, I don't even know the guy and he is taking over every minute of my goddamn day. It's still early but there's no way I'm going to be able to get any sleep. I make my way back up stairs and change into a plain vest top and my trusty yoga pants. There's only one way that I will be able to try and clear my head. Even if it's only for half an hour, it's still half an hour away from my thoughts. I grab my headphones from the console by the hall and head out into the crisp October sun. Setting my music to shuffle, I turn it up as loud as it will go and begin pounding the pavement, desperate to find an escape from my newly acquired thoughts. I run until my calves feel numb and my chest burns. Sweat drips down my back from the workout that I have just given my body. It's useless; every song that fills my ears has me thinking of Max. No matter how hard I try, I just can't shift his bloody image out of my mind.

  I type out a quick message to George before I hit the shower. I need someone to vent to. It's killing me keeping it all built up inside, if anyone will understand, it's the king of everything male. He's exceptionally goo
d at this man shit. Kind of like a man-cyclopaedia and thank god I have him in my life.

  Maybe I'm over thinking things; maybe he just wants a friend whilst he is here. I am going to be working with him after all. No. Who am I kidding? I see the feral look in his eyes when he looks at me. I'm pretty sure my expression is equally the same, but I'm female and obviously not acceptable to his charms or ridiculously good looks. It's a disaster waiting to happen, this working relationship is only going to end up one way and I need to be sure as hell that it doesn't happen. But how long will I be able to avoid him for? It's virtually impossible for me to think straight when I am around him.

  Once I am done in the shower, I quickly blast my hair and pin it up. I pick out my favourite nude coloured shift dress and team it with my newly 'I'm single, I don't give a fuck how much they cost, I need to feel better Laboutins.' Boy are they pretty. My phone alerts me to a text. George is an absolute angel. This is going to be one fun lunch. I get to look at his pretty face too, so it's a win - win situation. My friends are the best, they never let me down when I need them. If only I could take them to work away with me. I look down at my phone, and my breath catches when I notice that it isn't George messaging me back.

  1PM. Don't keep me waiting! M x

  Is he for real? This guy seriously isn't going to give up anytime soon. I never had to deal with any of this from Josh. I'd be lucky if he responded to any of my messages, let alone bombard me with demands, so this is foreign territory for me. I don't want to have lunch with him. He's too much. I won't be able to eat in front of him, that’s a definite. No doubt I'd probably end up drooling at the table instead. Now that's attractive. I need to stay strong and stay away from him, but how the hell can I do that when he is bombarding me with messages and phone calls? I contemplate ignoring him, but that would only make him more determined and I really don't fancy my phone constantly beeping away all day.

  No can do, really busy day today.

  Another time, maybe?

  It's not a complete lie. So why do I feel bad for turning him down? I have loads that I need to get through before I make my way down under. Amelia needs to be updated on all of the outstanding accounts; I also need to make sure she is okay. I don't want to be leaving her with all this extra work if she has added pressure going on elsewhere. I'd much rather pass it on to Tim. I also need to find out if Mal has told the guys about the move. If he hasn't then he really needs to get a move so they can implement the changes that need to be put in place. Jeez, it's one thing after another recently.

  The office is buzzing with energy as I walk in. Amelia seems a lot more like her old self and Tim is currently dancing around and shaking his booty to Beyoncé.

  "Morning guys." I shout over the music and raise my coffee in a wave. Tim doesn't stop dancing but blows me some air kisses instead. Amelia is laughing, actually full on howling as she watches Tim's version of single ladies. Today looks like it is set to be a good day. Ahh, it's beginning to look like life as I know it has resumed to its normal crazy self and it feels bloody fantastic.

  The morning goes by far too quickly, consisting of me drawing up a brief overview of the accounts for Amelia so that I can go over them with her this afternoon. It may be brief but I have to print them out and highlight the important parts so that I can make sure she carries them out those bits first. Just as I'm hitting print, the work phone rings.

  "Hello Stanton's." I snap eager to finish up this paperwork.

  "What's gotten your knickers in a bunch? You woke me up at six o'clock this morning? For god’s sake Jess, us normal folk don't look this good by chance you know. We actually have to sleep unlike you." I had completely forgotten that I'd called her when I woke up this morning. She is so going to kill me when I see her later.

  "Nothing major, just a spot of man trouble. Honestly it's nothing to worry about. Plus there's nothing more that gears me up than hearing your voice first thing." I say, spinning around on my chair and trying to calm her down at the same time. When she gets in a rant, it can take all day to get her out of it. "Like I said, It's nothing major, trust me; one phone call wouldn't be enough to explain it." As I spin back around I come face to face with Max. I freeze. Shit, hasn't the guy ever been told that it is common courtesy to knock before entering someone else's office? I can see this working relationship of ours being a heated one and by that I mean full on arguments. The guy needs to learn about people's personal space. I'm stunned in place as his eyes lock on mine, piercing straight into my soul. I watch as his lip curl into that smart arse grin that makes me tingle from head to toe. Fuck. I'm buggered again.

  "Hey. You still there?" Jen says.

  I forget I'm on the phone for a moment and begin to stutter out my reply. "Some… Something's come up. Let me call you back. Okay?"

  I put the phone down, with a bit more force than I intended, get up and walk over to Max, not entirely sure what I am going to do or say. Before I can say anything he closes in on me and an amused expression begins to dance over that perfect face of his.

  "Man trouble?" He grins that cocky grin as he says it. I feel a mixture of anger and pure thrill as I feel him stood this close to me. Goosebumps begin to spread down my skin. What I would love to do to him right now in this office, the images that are conjuring in my mind are far from innocent. I bite down on my bottom lip to try and get a hold of myself and let out a slight moan in the process. His eyes light up in response to what he is seeing.

  "Just an Ex." I say, straight to the point and not elaborating any further. If only he knew how much he was included in the man trouble issues that I seem to be facing.

  He leans in a little closer to me and I feel the heat of his breath tickle my face. My mind starts to cloud over. Intoxicated by his scent and the pheromones that are filling the room, I feel utterly helpless when he is this close to me. My head feels faint and my breath starts to quicken. I try to take step back, but he reaches out and takes a hold of my waist causing sparks to course through my body as he begins to add a little pressure to firmly hold me in place.

  "Lunch. One o'clock." He says as he pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear with his other hand. It's such a simple gesture but it has me on edge, his touch alone drives me insane. "I can't get you out of my fucking mind."

  I begin to protest, but he places a finger over my lips to silence me.

  "I've already cleared it with Mal. You will be there Jess. Don't make me mad." He growls.

  Fucking hell. What am I getting myself into here? He's obviously a man that is used to getting what he wants. I guess he has never come across anyone like me before. What a delightful surprise that will be, I think to myself. With that he leans in closer and presses his lips to mine. My breath catches as our skin connects. I'm screaming to myself to listen to what my head is saying and back away, but I am frozen. All my will power is well and truly out of the window whenever he is near me. His tongue starts to trace the shape of my lips, trying to gain entry. My mouth opens against my will, and I'm ashamed at the whimper that escapes my lips. It must have been the reaction he was after as he smiles against my lips, his day old stubble tickling the side of my mouth. God. There's no denying it, he tastes so good. My hands work their way up his toned torso, I try and memorise the feel of him against me so I can come back to it at later time, once I have grilled myself over my lack of willpower. That doesn't matter at the moment, none of that matters. No, feeling this alive is what matters right now. I fist my hands in his hair as he picks me up and places me onto my desk. I keep a firm hold on him, worried that if I break the connection then my guard will go straight back up. My body aches to get him closer to me. My core clenches in anticipation of what this could lead too. Who am I? What the hell has happened to Jess the professional?

  Before my mind can wander any further, Max withdraws his lips from mine. He searches my eyes for a moment; all I can do is just sit there motionless. Why did he pull away? Did I do something wrong? The heat that I can see in his eyes tell me tha
t isn't the case at all. He's more worked up than me.

  I dread to think what I must look like; dress halfway up my thighs, my hair ruffled as if I haven't brushed it this morning and not to mention my face. If anyone came into my office right now, there would be no denying what had just nearly taken place.

  Max seems to find his effect on me quite amusing as he grins his devilishly grin at me and says, "Call it a reminder. One o'clock, beautiful. Don't keep me waiting." And he turns to leave.

  I refuse to let my mind process what just happened. How did I just let that happen? I lose all sanity and dignity when I am around him. He leaves me powerless and I know that if the time came, I would succumb to his every will. Seriously, I'm going to have to keep my wits about me when I am around him, the guy is bad news. I have never felt so wanted, needed and desired in my life. I'm not going to lie; yes it makes me feel fucking good. It doesn't change the fact that I don't even know this guy properly and I have just almost let him lay me bare on my desk of all places.

  Now that my passion is slowly starting to curve slightly, anger starts to bubble within me. Anger because I told him I was busy, anger because he went against my will and made plans for lunch when I had already told him no and anger because no matter how I try to avoid it, he manages to break down all of my walls when he is around.