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Betrayal (Obsession Book 2) Page 2
Betrayal (Obsession Book 2) Read online
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Boyd's still hovering in the distance. He's trying to keep himself covered, but I know he's there and he's making me feel pretty uncomfortable. I never experienced someone watching me this much before. When I was with Dom, I probably had heaps of his guys watching me all the time, but I was completely oblivious to it and looking back I preferred it that way. Now, all I can feel are his eyes on me and it's pretty violating to say the least.
"Don't mind him. He's just doing what he needs to do." Minnie slurs down my ear, obviously noticing my sudden discomfort around him.
"Yeah? And what's that, stalking us? It's not normal Minnie. What kind of person does that? I take it he doesn't follow you around all the time?"
"Listen Anna. Like I said, he's doing what he needs to do and that's all you need to know right now. If you're uncomfortable then I'll tell him to back off a bit, okay? If J were here, he'd be doing the same thing and you know it."
"That's just it though. He isn't here is he, and no one is telling me shit. Do you know how annoying that is Minnie? It's like he's just upped and left for no reason and no one seems to care whether he's okay or not. Now that's some pretty fucked up shit."
"Anna, I've already told you. Quit worrying about it. I haven't got a clue what he's up to, but you're best off staying out of it. Trust me."
"Trust..." I think to myself. That's the last thing I feel like doing with anyone. Sure, it's easy for people to say, but this way is the only way that I can protect myself and the people around me. Trusting people only got me into this goddamn mess in the first place. I'm not about to let history repeat itself again. Not by a long shot.
"Why are you here, Boyd?" My legs are unsteady as I try to climb into his car, but my voice is clear and sure as anything. I may have put a few away, but I'm getting pretty pissed with him hovering around me like a bad smell all the time. "Shouldn't you be searching for your buddy, you know the one who seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth?"
"Jensen will be found when he wants to be found and no sooner." He answers. His face is set, his eyebrows raised, but he doesn't scare or intimidate me anymore and there is no way that I'm about to back down from this. Not know, not while I've got alcohol running through my veins, egging me on and giving me the courage that I need.
"But how do you know if you haven't even looked for him? I don't get it, jeez help me out here. You can't just assume why someone has suddenly disappeared."
"Boyd knows J better than most people Anna, plus I know him too. Sometimes he goes off from time to time. It's just how he is. He likes his space and needs to get away to clear his head every once in a while. It's no big deal." Her hand reaches out to touch my shoulder in comfort, but it does nothing other than set me off.
"Bullshit." I snap out. "You think I'm stupid or something? Don't think I haven't noticed you're secret glances and worried expressions whenever you're in the same room as each other. It's fucked up, that's what it is."
"Anna..." Minnie shouts, while trying to climb into the car behind me and almost falling flat on her face.
"Don't Anna, me. Something has happened and I want answers. I need answers, don't you understand that? If you're staying in my house, then it's the least that you can do. No?" I scream and I can feel my anger bubbling deep inside me.
"How about we talk about it tomorrow? I think we've had to much to drink to discuss something like this, don't you?"
"Maybe you've had too much to drink Minnie. I want answers and one way or another I'm going to get them. Mark my words. Don't for one second think that I'm about to let this drop." I warn and I can see relief flood through her eyes. I've put up with their secretiveness for days. Now, I want some goddamn answers. Why won't they give me the answers that I know they both have?
It's not long before we pull up outside my house. After a silence induced drive with Minnie almost passing out and me throwing Boyd the death stare every time his eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror, I've never been more relieved to get home. Being in an enclosed space with two people who are obviously hiding something from you is pure torture and I definitely don't want their looks of pity.
"Boyd you can go now." I snarl at him, while placing my keys on top of the console as I pass.
"Nah, I'm good. I don't mind staying." I turn around and see that he's followed us into the house. This guy is really rubbing me up the wrong way, whether it's his intention or not.
"Oh no. You need to leave. This is my house, my rules and I say that you're leaving." It's pissing me off that the pair of them think they can treat this place like a hotel. That may be how they've done shit in the past, but they're not doing it here. I've been a push over for far too long and it has to stop. It needs to stop now.
"I'm staying." He mouths while looking me straight in the eye. He stands with his arms folded over his chest, probably hoping his stance will make me back down. This guy must really think he's superior or some shit, but he isn't fooling me.
"You either go now, or tell me why you're loitering around like a bad smell. Surely that's the least that you can do?"
"What?" His mouth falls open and his eyes grow wide. Yes buddy, I'm on to you and you better spill it.
"You heard me. You've been up my fucking arse all night. Jeez, I couldn't even go to the toilet without you following me. So what's the deal?"
I watch him draw a deep intake of breath before he looks over at Minnie, yet all she can do is shrug at him before throwing herself down on to my couch in an alcohol induced state.
"You're really starting to grate on my tits now." I warn him, but he doesn't seem fazed by my mood one little bit. If anything, it probably amuses him and then some.
"Jensen isn't here Anna." He starts, but doesn't move, instead he continues to watch me closely, while he continues to stand in front of me with his arms over his chest.
"No fucking shit." Boy, isn't he the bright spark?
"All I'm saying is, you need a guy around the house. It's not safe out there."
I laugh, I actually laugh in his face which is no doubt due to the vodka in my system. "Please tell me you're shittin' me? It's not safe?" Jeez, has this guy been on crack tonight? I know it's not fucking safe. Nowhere is safe for me, and just because Jensen isn't here, I now need a bodyguard? "You know I'm a big girl and I'm pretty sure I'm past puberty Boyd. I also lived here by myself before Jensen came along and guess what? I survived. Go home, stop playing your stupid little games. I don't need you watching my every move."
"I'm not going anywhere and I mean it. You're just gonna have to deal with it this time Anna. I'm not budging on this one. No fucking way."
"Fuck my life." I shout out, but it's no good. Boyd stands in front of me with his shoulders set and firm look still placed on his face. His brow is raised as if daring me to argue with him. I no longer have the energy to pursue this with him, not tonight anyway. "I don't need this bullshit, I'm off to bed. You need to tuck me in to make sure the bed bugs don't bite, or am I safe enough to go upstairs by myself?" I can't help the sarcasm that rolls off my tongue. I'm surprised to see that he remains firmly in place as I retreat upstairs to my room. I half expected him to stand guarding my door.
"Wake up, wake up." I hear somewhere in the distance. What the hell? I don't even have enough time to open my eyes and compose myself before I feel something connecting with my head. "You can sleep later. Time to get up and get dressed."
"Are you being fucking serious?" I shout as soon as I'm bolt up right in bed. "You don't just walk into someone's room and start shouting your orders around. What is it with you?"
"Chillax. You're getting up and that's final." My eyes stay fixed on Minnie's as I try my best to stare her down, but she continues to stand there with a huge amused look plastered all over her face. I've never wanted to slap a look off someone's face so bloody much.
"Get the hell outta my room. NOW!" I shout and the crazy bitch just walks off laughing. I don't know how much longer I can go on living like this.
All I'm asking for is a little bit of goddamn privacy. It's not too much to ask for, surely? Living with Jensen was one thing, but now it looks like I'm stuck with Minnie too and who knows for how long. I weigh up my options quickly before the psycho can come back for more. I could possibly lie here all day and pray that she leaves me alone, or I could get up and jump in the shower and meet whatever the day brings me, head on. Deciding on a shower, I reluctantly pull myself up out of my bed, cursing at myself as I go.
As soon as I step foot outside the bathroom door, she's there, once again in my face. Her back is flush against the wall, one foot raised behind her and the cocky bitch is tapping away at her wrist to indicate that she's not so patiently waiting for me.
"What do you want from me?" I demand, unable to hold back my frustration any longer.
"I want you to go and get your sorry arse dressed. You've been walking around like you've got a dildo stuck up your backside for days now and you're doing nothing but taking it out on everyone around you. You need something to take your stress out on, something to busy that inquisitive little mind of yours. So how about you go and get your pretty little self into your gym gear and meet me downstairs?"
"What?" I laugh, but I'm left without any answers as I have no choice but to watch her saunter off towards the stairs. I don't have a clue what she's planning, or what she's actually trying to achieve here, but I do know that she's not going to give up anytime soon. I retreat back to my room and sit for a moment on my bed. It would be so easy to climb back in to it and disappear into an oblivion, but I don't think Minnie would get off my back that easily.
I can hear the faint trickle of water somewhere in the distance and it's only intensifying my thirst. Minutes have turned into hours and hours have turned into days, or at least that's what it feels like while I'm sat here with no fucking clue where I am. My head's a hot fucking mess right now. I can't see shit and it's driving me insane. What I do know is that this Dominic guy obviously thought it'd be fun to keep me hostage. For all I know, he's probably had his fun and done one. Disappeared because he's to much of a pussy to face the music. What kind of dude leaves someone tied up? I've not heard anything from him since he knocked me out cold and I don't even know how long ago that happened. Maybe he's left me here to die a slow and painful death. Like I said, the guys a fucking pussy.
Everything is still dark around me, and it causes all my other senses to intensify. Fuck, the smell. Jeez. I wouldn't put it past this weirdo to put us straight down into the sewers and it sure as hell fucking smells like it too.
Shit. I really need to find a way to get out of here and fast.
I know I've found myself in a lot of bad situations before, but this one takes the fucking biscuit. My hands may be bound right now, but he'll undo them eventually; they always do. That's when this pussy fucking shit-bag will pay, and personally I can't fucking wait for that moment to arrive.
Mitchell's words keep echoing in my mind. "Forget Dominic. He won't be around for a very long time." Well, obviously he changed his fucking plans or he pulled a goddamn blind one over on Mitchell. All I know is that Dominic is the reason why Mitchell's currently doing time. I don't know the whole ins and outs, I only know what Mitch decides to tell me. Yeah, he's fucked up in the past and he's not exactly innocent, but Dominic dragged him into this shit time and time again. The guys always been a jerk off from what I can tell, and I've never really had any time for him. Our paths have never crossed before, but I know enough about him to get the picture. Yet now here I am, at this guys fucking hide out or whatever it is, waiting for him to make a goddamn appearance. Leaving me tied up like this just proves what a ball-less son of a bitch he really is.
My head turns sharply to the right as I hear the faint sound of footsteps coming towards me. My heart rate begins to accelerate, pounding so hard as if it's desperate to break free from within my chest, and then the adrenaline kicks in. There's no fucking way that I'm going down without a fight. I'm a goddamn Blake for god sake. That shit just doesn't happen.
"Still alive, baby Blake?" His voice cuts through the darkness, causing all kinds of crazy shit to run through my body.
"Fuck you!" I shout, or at least I try to. My throat is so dry it hurts. Like sandpaper grazing down the sides, back and forth, over and over again. If I wasn't tied up, then this guy would be paying for this right now and he'd be paying for it fucking good.
"Now there's no need to be so aggressive, is there?" He croons at me. I know the pricks right in front of me, I can feel his breath on my skin. I just can't see the guy.
"You really think that holding me here is going to do you any favours?" If he does, then he's more of a jerk-off than I originally thought.
"Oh, I know for sure that it will. You see, I know that this way Mitchell will definitely come to me. I guess it looks like you stopped running at the wrong time."
"What, you actually think when Mitchell comes here, he's gonna be fine with this shit?"
"Do you think I give a fuck about his reaction? As soon as he comes walking through that door, and trust me, he will, I'm gonna fuck him up so bad while you watch, unable to do a goddamn thing about it. How's that sound?"
I know I should be scared. Deep down somewhere inside me I should be scared that I've been captured by some nutcase, but I'm not. The only thing that's going through my mind right now is getting out of my restraints and showing him what fucking someone up actually looks like. This guy is absolutely insane. When Mitchell finds him, he better run and never look back, otherwise he'll end up six foot under.
"Good luck with that." I retort. He can stand here all day and tell me what he's going to do, but it wouldn't change a thing. He isn't going to do shit. It doesn't take a genius to work out that he's just a ball bag with a quick mouth. I've heard guys like him before. Absolutely goddamn hollow all the way through, right down to the core.
"You've got a smart fucking mouth on you, don't you?"
"Nah. I'm just not afraid to say it how it is."
"Is that so? Well I'd keep it closed for now. You might need it later on down the line. I'm guessing your energy levels can't be that great right now, huh?"
"You've got to be kidding me, right?" I stop in my tracks and look up at the huge, glass building before me. It's intimidating just looking at it and she wants me to go in there? Damn, and I thought she was crazy before. Now I'm going to have to look at her in a different light altogether.
"You're doing this Anna, so keep walking. Quit it with your questions."
"Hey, if I wanted to do this shit for fun, then I'd be out causing shit every night."
Minnie stops abruptly and then turns to look back at me. "You need to de-stress and clear your mind. This is the perfect way to do both, plus with Jensen gone for god knows how long, it will do you good to learn some self defence."
"Okay, so you and Boyd clearly think that I was a lost cause before Jensen came into my life. You know I managed perfectly fine before you lot, don't you?"
"No. I actually think your life was a lot safer before Jensen came into it." A warm smile dances on her lips as she looks at me. My life hasn't been safe for a hell of a long time, but she wouldn't and doesn't need to know about that. That's a whole can of worms right there and I want that lid to stay firmly closed, no matter what the cost.
"You know something, don't you? You know something's happened to him and you're not telling me. Fuck. That explains Boyd the fucking bodyguard." My mouth falls into a pout as I wait for her reply. It doesn't come straight away. Instead she watches me closely for a little while.
"Anna, I'm doing everything I can to find out where he is and if anything has happened to him. You don't need to get involved in this shit. Take it from someone who knows. You're an innocent Anna, you're better off staying that way too. What I wouldn't give to be completely oblivious to it all again."
"You are so fucking naive." I laugh, more through shock than anything else and Minnie's e
yes grow wide as she looks at me in surprise. "You really think that you guys are the only ones with problems, the only ones with a screwed up past, huh? Well you know shit about me Minnie. I sure as hell don't need you to make decisions for me, okay?"
"Drop it Minnie." I warn. "Next time something like this happens again, don't expect me to sit quietly in the goddamn dark. I want answers. Fucking hell, do you not think that I deserve answers?"
I need to step away from this conversation and fast. I'm already worked up and the last thing I need right now is Minnie getting suspicious. Sure, Minnie and Boyd obviously think I'm a naive little girl who happened to be screwing Jensen, but they don't know what I've been through. I don't want them to know either. Deciding that enough is enough, I put one foot in front of the other and feel as though I'm walking to my death.
The doors open and I feel myself stiffen and my insides are riddled with panic. I don't want to do this and I know it's not going to make a difference to how I'm feeling. I hate violence with a passion. All I want is to turn back around and leave. I try to move, but I'm rooted to the spot. My mouth opens and then closes again when the words won't leave my lips. All I can do is look at Minnie in the hope that she can see my fear. Surely she can see me silently pleading with her and any minute now, she'll drag me out of here as soon as she's realised that this is a huge mistake.
"Junior." Minnie shouts out and a tall, well built dude steps out of the office in the far corner. His eyes are light shade of brown, not as deep as Jensen's, more like a milk chocolate, whereas Jensen's are a deep dark brown. This guy's also bald and paired with his strong defined muscles, it only adds to his intimidating presence and he looks absolutely petrifying.